Look to the events page for our upcoming hiking trips. Sign up on TeamReach App if you are interested in joining us.
Marianne needs to know who is attending.
Using TeamReach app to schedule...
League play resumed at the VFW Tuesday, September 12, 2023 at 7pm, arrive at 6 for dinner prior if you wish. For further information call Bob Vaccaro 973-886-9856.
This season we are aiming to offer 10-12, spring to early fall, kayaking opportunities between May and October with a mix of weekend and mid-week events. If you are interested in this activity and haven’t already done so you should go to, or download, the TEAM REACH APP and join our Group where up-dates and relevant details will be posted ... and remember to post if you plan to attend or not. Contact Bill Blackwell, (570) 856-8404 with any questions.